
Nois Network provides an unbiasable publicly verifiable source of randomness to dapps. We assume the following threat model:

Security of the drand network

At the moment, the Nois Network relies on the drand network. Drand relies on honest majority assumption, i.e. more than 50% of the drand operators must be honest, and so far this assumption has held in practice thanks to the variety in terms of nodes: different jurisdictions, platforms, OS, and deployments. Drand has stood up through time as it is being used by multiple projects, including the popular Filecoin blockchain for more than 2 years without a single downtime.

Security of the Nois Network

This is a new Cosmos based chain and therefore there is a list of validators responsible for running the consensus. On Cosmos the validators are ranked by reputation (highest uptime, number of chains etc). This list provides a reliable source of validators already. The consensus relies on the supermajority assumption, i.e. 2/3 + 1 of total stake must be held by honest validators. In the future, we want to expand our validator set to be more permissionless but also containing some independent organizations similar to the drand network.

Given these two assumptions, the security of the model is pretty straightforward:

  • The Nois Oracle contract guarantees the correct verification of all beacons submitted to it.
  • The Nois chain guarantees the correct logic execution of the Nois Oracle contract, i.e. it will reply to IBC beacon requests with exactly the correct beacon, already validated.

Application Security

Similar to regular applications, handling randomness is not a trivial task, and a large number of vulnerabilities have had origins in the way to handle randomness. Dapps need to have a randomness which has not been seen or biased with until a certain point in time. For example, take a lottery dapps, no one should know the randomness before the time allocated, otherwise one can cheat easily by submitting the right ticket. At the time the lottery finish, a dapp should ask for the next randomness being available. This is exactly the main API endpoint the Nois contract is offering: GetNextRandomness { .. }. This reduces the chance of using the randomness source insecurely compared to lower level APIs.

For advanced use cases we also offer a GetRandomnessAfter { .. } request type, which allows requesting future randomness (e.g. 24h after the request) and receive it automatically once available. Using this securely is more challenging and this is only recommended for apps that have special needs and are aware of the risks.